Orders are fulfilled within 1-3 business days, however we strive to fulfill your order within 24 hours. Our warehouses are pretty RAD!

If you choose a priority shipping method please know that this fulfillment date is not included in the expected arrival date you may have displayed from our shipping partners. Please also understand the dates displayed for delivery are estimates and OrganicTan Saskatoon cannot guarantee them.

Wherever possible if your order has been held longer than 3 days due to a back order we do our best communicate this via email. You will receive tracking information by email as soon as your order leaves our warehouse.

We ship to anywhere in Canada. We do not ship internationally at this time. OrganicTan Saskatoon is not responsible for replacements or refunds of missing packages.

If you have any questions on your order, please contact larissa@organictan.ca

Shipping Rates

We use a variety of shippers to ship your order. Due to COVID19, shipping delays are possible.

Returns Policy

If you are not 100% satisfied with your Sunna product, we offer a full product satisfaction guarantee, within 30 days from purchase.

Depending on your unique situation, we will refund your purchase, exchange it for a different product or give you a store credit.

Please contact us via larissa@organictan.ca and we will be in touch with you within 1-3 business days.