Now that your smile is brighter, let’s keep it that way!

Food + Drink
Drink only water and don’t eat anything for at least one hour following your appointment. Your teeth will continue to whiten after your treatment has been completed.
For the first 24 hours after your in-studio session, avoid food or drinks that have dark or staining properties (such as berries, tomato sauces, beets, carrots, red wine, coffee, tea, soft drinks – you get the idea).

Gum Tissue
Post-treatment ‘tingling’ sensations, white gum lines, white spots on the teeth and minor sensitivity are all completely normal. The whiteness along the gum line is actually an indication of the peroxide healing the tissue. This colouring should disappear within 15 minutes. If sensitivity persists, use a toothpaste developed for sensitivity.

Follow Up
In order to maintain your whitening results, we recommend following up with additional sessions every 2-6 months. However, if you would like to continue to whiten we recommend booking follow up appointments closer together. (Check out our bundle packages below!) You can also purchase our SunnaSmile Home Kit or Whitening and Aftercare Gel to continue to whiten or maintain your results at home.